发表于 2012-5-9 18:19:36
选自MEHERA-MEHER 第三卷567页
To most of the visitors who came to India for Meher Baba's darshan, on the final day of their pilgrimage, Mehera presented them with a very precious treasure--a few strands of Beloved Baba's hair that she had carefully collected and preserved.
Mehera's parting advice to the hundreds who came over the years was this:
Take Baba's love with you. Be happy always in Baba's love. Know that Baba is always with you wherever you are,that he loves you more than you love him. that is why you are here. He loves you; now it is time for you to love him. For that, he has suffered. When you say his name, he is always with you.
When you board a train, a bus, or an airplane, say Baba's name. If you say his name wholeheartedly, Baba will help you out of your difficulties. Baba said he will never fail his lovers. Somehow or other, he will help. Always be happy in his love. You are very fortunate to love Baba. Baba's miracle of love is that all the young ones [who have not seen him] come to Baba.
Mehera explained:
Once, a woman worte, asking, "why doesn't God answer my prayers?" Baba said ,"not only does God not let anyone down, he constantly forgives those who let him down." He is so compassionate, because we, in our work, become engrossed and aren't thinking of Baba. But that moment also, Baba is thinking of you. He never forgets you. We may forget him. His grace, his eyes are on all his lovers. He keeps watch. The only thing now is that we can't see him. He can see us. So how happy you make him with your love. It is time for us to love him.He has loved us so dearly. So beautiful his love was. All these years, he suffered for us. |