Existence or Consciousness is the only reality. Consciousness plus waking we call waking. Consciousness plus sleep we call sleep. Consciousness plus dream, we call dream. Consciousness is the screen on which all the pictures come and go. The screen is real, the pictures are mere shadows on it.
There are two ways of achieving surrender. One is looking into the source of the 'I' and merging into that source. The other is feeling 'I am helpless myself, God alone is all powerful, and except by throwing myself completely on Him, there is no other means of safety for me', and thus gradually developing the conviction that God alone exists and the ego does not count. Both methods lead to the same goal. Complete surrender is another name for jnana or liberation.
There is no difference between the dream and the waking states except that the dream is short and the waking long. Both are the result of the mind. Our real state, called turiya, is beyond the waking, dream and sleep states.
醒和梦的状态没有太大区别,仅仅是入梦的时间短,醒着的时间长。两者都是意识的产物。我们的真实状态叫做turiya ,是超越醒,梦以及睡眠状态的。
I have not said that a Guru is not necessary. But a Guru need not always be in human form. First a person thinks that he is an inferior and that there is a superior, all-knowing, all powerful God who controls his own and the world's destiny and worships him or does Bhakti. When he reaches a certain stage and becomes fit for enlightenment, the same God whom he was worshipping comes as Guru and leads him on. That Guru comes only to tell him that ‘God is within yourself. Dive within and realize.’ God, Guru and the Self are the same.
人们总是无法明白一个简单的事实:日常生活中每一个当下的觉知就是真实的大我。有谁是无法意识到大我的?人们只对神秘的事物惑兴趣,譬如天堂、地狱、轮回转世等等,简单的真相是不吸引人的。因此宗教纵容他们,最后还是要把他们带回大我。既然你最终还是回到大我,何不在当下便安住于大我。 |