Guruprasad Memorial,是巴巴晚年Darshan之地,也是1962年著名的东西方大聚会故址,原来的地方早已不在,后为纪念而修建了小小的纪念堂。
Guruprasad, the palace of the Maharani of Baroda, was where Meher Baba often spent the summer months during the 1960s. It was the site of many darshan programs, including the 1962 East-West Gathering and the 1969 Darshan. The palace no longer stands, but a small Memorial Building has been constructed on the property, using original materials from Meher Baba’s bedroom. It also contains a chair on which Meher Baba sat and gave darshan.
east west gathering 2012,Beloved god help us all |