发表于 2013-4-15 14:14:17
They went for their lunch, and in the afternoon, Baba had a few recent unpublished discourses read to them. One was on his "Will And Worry:"
Duality signifies separateness. Separateness implies fear. Fear causes worry.
The way of Oneness is the way to happiness; the way of manyness is the way to worry. I am the One who has no second, so I am eternally happy. You are separate from your Self, so you always worry. To you, what you see is absolutely real; to me, it is absolutely false.
I alone am real, and my Will governs the cosmic illusion. It is the truth when I say that the waves do not roll and the leaves do not move without my Will.
The moment the intensity of your faith in my Will reaches its height, you say goodbye to worry forever. Then all that you suffered and enjoyed in the past, together with all that you may experience in the future, will be to you the most loving and spontaneous expression of my Will; and nothing will ever be able to cause you worry again.
Live more and more in the Present, which is ever beautiful and stretches away beyond the limits of the past and the future.
If you must worry at all, let your only worry be how to remember me constantly. This is worthwhile worry because it will bring about the end of worry.
Think of me more and more, and all your worries will disappear into the nothing they really are. My Will works out to awaken you to this.
37意志与烦恼 http://www.meherbaba.cn/view.php?tid=48&id=229
田心译自The Everything and The Nothing by Meher Baba,1963. |