发表于 2006-3-27 13:09:24
巴巴的能量简直是实体化了!到今天我才明白,门徒做的不好的话会直接影响巴巴,英文非常不好,我只能说个大概。巴巴的规定不允许门徒违背,可开始时很多门徒违背了。巴巴得了痢疾,并在整个旅行期间一直腹泻,健康状况很糟,然后在路上,一位门徒帮人修车赚了10卢比,然后买了甜点分吃了。在他回来时,巴巴表现得恼怒。并扔门徒的(行李)?门徒恳求巴巴,并交代了分享者。巴巴叫来Behramji说: "我让你在这里照看这些, 并且让你监督他们? 为什么你让他们违反我的规定?"
"我设法告诉他们, 但他们不会听我的,"Behramji解释。 "而且, 我没有吃任何甜点。"
然后巴巴严厉地批评了他, "由于你们违反了我的规定, 导致我的健康更糟。 你喜欢看到我不适的情况吗? 我必须斋戒, 我的胃被弄翻, 因为你们没经我的允许就私自享用甜点我又得腹泻许多天! 你就是这么爱我的? 这就是你的献身例子吗?"
Meher Baba replied:
I am never violent or angry. For me anger, pride, lust, happiness or misery do not exist. Nothing like that exists for me. But when I appear angry at someone, it is his anger that expresses itself through me. I am the medium through which both your good and bad show themselves. You see your own face reflected in the mirror. Whatever you look like ¨C this is what you see in the mirror. The image is not only there in the mirror, but in the face itself. The mirror is unchanging. If the face is not good, can it appear differently in the mirror? What you see in the mirror is your exact likeness ¨C it is not the likeness of the mirror!
A ball thrown against a wall rebounds to you with the same force with which you throw it. The wall is always at a standstill ¨C absolutely stationary. You receive whatever resulting force you use in throwing the ball against the wall.
In conclusion, however I appear to you, it is only your own reflected image. I am always still and unchangeable ¨C like the wall or the mirror. |