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发表于 2006-11-8 20:40:24
http://www.lordmeher.org/index.j ... mp;nextPage=5723One day, a Bombay film director came for darshan. Baba remarked to him, "I know everything. Even then, I want you to introduce yourself to me. All this is to meet you on your level. I am happy to see you. Are you happy? Have you any worry?"
The director said, "Nothing special."
Baba commented to him, "When one attains a human form, whether well-placed in life or not, worries in a way become inevitable, but one should not succumb to them."
The man said, "Formerly, I was well placed in life and high in the film world as well. During these last years, however, I've had to experience many ups and downs. And today, as I have the fortune to sit at your holy feet, I realize all the more that whatever has happened was worthwhile, and that it was all the Will of God."
Pleased, Baba commented:
This is a good way of understanding events in life. Read God Speaks. If you understand it properly, you will grasp what I am saying. You will find that there is nothing in the world to worry about. Whatever happens, happens due to impressions or sanskaras. Sanskaras make the dream of creation appear to be real and lasting, and create undue worries.
The so-called good times are like happy dreams. Owing to the congenial atmosphere, they become a long and pleasant sight, and you want to enjoy them more and more. But when you awake from sleep, you find that the world of dreams has no value.
So-called bad times are like frightening dreams. You crave to remove yourself from such situations as early as possible. For example, if a tiger leaps right onto you in your dream, you awaken instantaneously.
It is God's Plan to awaken everyone from the Dream of Creation and make him live in Him and experience His infinite bliss. The law of opposites operates unfailingly to stage the so-called good and bad times. And in His compassion, God leads everyone and everything toward Himself, Who is beyond good and evil. So there is really not a thing to worry over.
I am Eternal Bliss. I eternally suffer too for those who remain steeped in ignorance, as the being of everything and everyone in illusion.
The director told Baba part of the story of his recent film, which depicted love for God through service to the poor. Baba commented:
If you read God Speaks you will have a wider view of the spiritual panorama of the Divine Drama which reveals the secret of creation. The entire creation is a "Game of Love" or Leela (Divine Sport) which God enjoys at His own cost!
In the motion picture industry, you should also introduce spiritual truths, but do so gradually. This is the need of the time. If you become successful in it, it will be profitable to you in both ways, materially and spiritually. However, while directing or producing such films keep in mind that, except God, everything is illusion. Then the work will not bind you, and the heart will become more and more pure to reveal God's treasure. |