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key word: Dream







发表于 2006-11-8 20:04:33 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.lordmeher.org/index.j ... p;nextPage=47674767


  God is nearer to you than your own breath. But you do not know it. You are breathing now. It is ordinary and steady. But when you run fast or climb a hill or do some hard work, the breathing becomes heavy. Then we know that we are breathing hard and become aware of it. Suppose someone attempts to strangle you; then you realize what breath is. Then you know that breath is life itself.

Love has two stages: the first is emotional, sentimental, renunciatory. The second stage is the stage when the lover goes mad without the Beloved and is unable to bear the pangs of separation. Then for him, God is his very breath. He cannot exist without Him. Unless and until Union is achieved, the lover feels as if he is suffocating.Take the case of a man in love with a very beautiful woman. He always dreams about her, and is like a fish out of water. We have read such stories. This is only ordinary human love. But when God's gift of love to man is there, we cannot even imagine the infinity of restlessness the one who is gifted with this love undergoes. Yet, he shows no signs that he is suffering the tortures of hell due to this love.

You will say that it is disappointing that only a very few get such a gift from God. I have the power to give the gift of love and obedience to anyone and everyone. I will tell you tomorrow in five minutes how to receive this gift. I am quite ready to give it to every individual in existence. I have called you all here for this particular reason. Who dares to receive this gift from me, I will see. Tomorrow, in five minutes, you will know if you are worthy of receiving it. It is easy to bestow and receive the gift, but at the same time it is nearly impossible. Tomorrow, I will explain it in five minutes. Only that much is of importance. But before Reality, all this explanation, discoursing and so forth, fades into insignificance. After all, this is all a dream. You experience all this here, but in fact you are dreaming.

For instance, suppose that Niranjan Singh is asleep. He sees a dream. In that dream he sees this Hindi group sitting before me and myself discoursing. Baba tells Niranjan, "Wake up, this is all a dream!" But in the dream, Niranjan counter-questions Baba, "How can this be a dream when I see you and all those gathered here with my own eyes?" But after some hours he wakes up, and then he comes to know that it was all truly a dream. In that dream Baba had told him that it was a dream, and now he finds it really was a dream! That dream of Niranjan was a dream into a dream. This is a dream, but you do not realize it! You are not awake. All of what you experience here is a dream. No sooner you wake up you will find that it was a dream, and this dream includes Baba also.

As a boy, I was fond of reading Hafiz's poetry. Now I experience eternally what Hafiz said. Now I am that Beloved. Age after age, I come among you. I am in everything. Whether or not the world accepts it, I am the only Reality.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-8 20:26:35 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.lordmeher.org/index.j ... p&nextPage=4207

While conversing with the mandali later that same day, Baba observed:

  Why do you suffer from loss of memory? When someone receives a sudden shock, he is likely to lose his memory. His mind goes blank and its past link with things related to it is snapped. Sanskaras are there in the mind, but because of the snapping of the mental link, one does not recognize anyone or anything. He even forgets his near and dear ones.

Similarly, at the time of death a great shock is felt, resulting in loss of memory. One completely forgets his past life. Suppose in the past life you were a boy or a girl, good or bad, but in the present life you have no knowledge of it because the link has snapped. During death, the mind receives such a shock that it affects all the impressions. When again a child is born, the effect of the shock is dissipated, the mind opens, the link restarts and life begins functioning. The impressions that were covered are now uncovered and are used up in actions.

It is all according to your impressions of illusion, or the dream, that these are there. The present life is nothing but the result of the actions of the past life. Due to loss of memory, you have forgotten those impressions and feel like it is starting a fresh life, but in fact you are continuing the old life. It is due to your past sanskaras that you are with me, play cricket with me and listen to discourses. Illusion has a law and law is based on the circle, but that is a different matter. As the sun rises daily in the East, the sanskaras of the past life are spent in this life.

Past impressions of the mind, when they turn into actions in the present life, create new sanskaras. Mind is full of sanskaras, and past sanskaras are to be expended. But alongside, new sanskaras crop up. Due to his past sanskaras, Kishan Singh has to take down what I am saying now. While writing, he thinks that whatever Baba is saying he is writing. This thought does not belong to past sanskaras and thus he creates new impressions. Mind is freed and is bound, and it binds itself by freeing itself. This goes on and on until annihilation of the mind is achieved and liberation gained.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-8 20:40:24 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.lordmeher.org/index.j ... mp;nextPage=5723One day, a Bombay film director came for darshan. Baba remarked to him, "I know everything. Even then, I want you to introduce yourself to me. All this is to meet you on your level. I am happy to see you. Are you happy? Have you any worry?"

The director said, "Nothing special."

Baba commented to him, "When one attains a human form, whether well-placed in life or not, worries in a way become inevitable, but one should not succumb to them."

The man said, "Formerly, I was well placed in life and high in the film world as well. During these last years, however, I've had to experience many ups and downs. And today, as I have the fortune to sit at your holy feet, I realize all the more that whatever has happened was worthwhile, and that it was all the Will of God."

Pleased, Baba commented:

  This is a good way of understanding events in life. Read God Speaks. If you understand it properly, you will grasp what I am saying. You will find that there is nothing in the world to worry about. Whatever happens, happens due to impressions or sanskaras. Sanskaras make the dream of creation appear to be real and lasting, and create undue worries.

The so-called good times are like happy dreams. Owing to the congenial atmosphere, they become a long and pleasant sight, and you want to enjoy them more and more. But when you awake from sleep, you find that the world of dreams has no value.

So-called bad times are like frightening dreams. You crave to remove yourself from such situations as early as possible. For example, if a tiger leaps right onto you in your dream, you awaken instantaneously.

It is God's Plan to awaken everyone from the Dream of Creation  and make him live in Him and experience His infinite bliss. The law of opposites operates unfailingly to stage the so-called good and bad times. And in His compassion, God leads everyone and everything toward Himself, Who is beyond good and evil. So there is really not a thing to worry over.

I am Eternal Bliss. I eternally suffer too for those who remain steeped in ignorance, as the being  of everything and everyone in illusion.

The director told Baba part of the story of his recent film, which depicted love for God through service to the poor. Baba commented:

  If you read God Speaks  you will have a wider view of the spiritual panorama of the Divine Drama which reveals the secret of creation. The entire creation is a "Game of Love" or Leela (Divine Sport) which God enjoys at His own cost!

In the motion picture industry, you should also introduce spiritual truths, but do so gradually. This is the need of the time. If you become successful in it, it will be profitable to you in both ways, materially and spiritually. However, while directing or producing such films keep in mind that, except God, everything is illusion. Then the work will not bind you, and the heart will become more and more pure to reveal God's treasure.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-8 21:21:33 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.lordmeher.org/index.j ... p&nextPage=4670

Baba then touched on the publication of God Speaks in America. With hand gestures, speaking in Gujarati, he observed:

  God Speaks will soon be available. It is a unique book. I have explained many things there; still I will briefly explain in a way so that you may all understand it.

From eternity we are all one. We do not know it; we are not conscious of it. But in eternity we are a limitless ocean. We are all drops of this ocean.

What happens daily? From our waking state, we go to sleep. Before entering sound sleep, we pass through the dream state. Before awakening, we pass through the same thing – from deep sleep to dream state and from dream to waking state. When you sleep soundly, you forget everything; nothing exists for you. That is the Original State. We pass through this state daily and wake up – after passing through the dream state – in yet another dream state, this gross world.

What to do now? Something should be done about this daily entering our Original State and waking in this dream state. In our original sound sleep state there is Unity, but we become conscious of duality when waking up. This original sound sleep state is of no use. We must wake up consciously in the Original State, and then alone will we experience that we are One.

That is the state of Eternal Bliss. Before this bliss, what was there? Only this Eternal Bliss. It is all bliss and bliss. To be conscious of our Original State, the state of Oneness consciously is Dnyan – Knowledge: it is Power, it is Bliss. This state comes after manonash – annihilation of the mind. To gain this experience, one must become the very dust under the Master's feet.

I alone exist. How to become dust under my feet? There is only one panacea – by obeying me implicitly. To do what I say. One should become the very dust! Even I have not that courage. But there are a real few in the world lost in the ecstasy of divine love.

If you cannot obey me, then have my constant remembrance. If that is not possible, then at least before you breathe your last, utter my name. In his last moments, Nozar took my name. My brother Jamshed did the same – Jal Kerawala, Meheru Damania and others. It is only heroes who surrender to me in their physical form. The Arangaon villagers came seeking my blessings for their worldly desires and departed. I have not come for that. I have come for a few elect, although I have to see to the whole world too. I have come so that you can experience me in your physical bodies.

I derived divine bliss from Babajan. After that, for nine months I passed through unspeakable spiritual agony to gain normal consciousness; it was simply unbearable. To get relief I used to knock my head against walls so furiously that they began to crack! In fact, there is no suffering as such. When the Five bring me down, they draw the veil over me. Babajan removed that veil. I remained in that state for nine months and then gained gross consciousness. At the moment, I am experiencing both infinite bliss and infinite suffering simultaneously, and once I drop the body, there is only bliss and bliss because nothing exists except bliss.

From ages past I have been coming, so how old I must be! Think of yourselves. You too are coming from ages past, and you are the same in spite of that. In reality, no one comes or goes; no one is born or dies. To experience that, we must free ourselves from bondage. After playing lingocha (game called "seven tiles") earlier in the day, I remembered all this.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-8 19:47:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://www.lordmeher.org/index.j ... p&nextPage=5706


On the morning of April 5th, Baba heard a poem sent by a Poona lover named N. M. Bhagwandas. Pleased with it, Baba sent him word to come to Guruprasad at 8:30 A.M. on April 17th.

Baburao Kale, who was practicing a particular sadhana (spiritual practice) came for Baba's darshan. He told Baba about his dream wherein he found himself flying in the air and asked, "Baba, has this any special meaning spiritually?"

Baba replied, "What meaning? Only that of a dream! We see the birds flying. What does that mean spiritually? In ancient times, some yogis were so powerful that they too could fly like birds. For a lover of God, such things are neither important nor essential."

Baba asked those sitting before him whether they had such dreams. Some hands were raised. "Then such dreams are not uncommon," replied Baba.

Pointing to Pukar, he smilingly remarked, "Even such a plump person can fly in a dream! What a wonder!"

Baba continued, "Whether you walk on water or fly in the air, maybe in a dream as you had, or maybe in the normal awake state as the ancient yogis did, it has no meaning spiritually or very little meaning. It is worth ignoring.

"Try honestly to love God, and you will realize that except love, all other things are meaningless."

"Do you meditate?" asked Baba. "If so, on whom?"

Baburao Kale replied, "On God."

"Where is God?"

Kale replied, "God is everywhere and in everything, in every particle of dust, and beyond it also."

Baba asked, "Is not this mere book knowledge? Is this your experience? Even a child can make such statements. So unless you have experience, it is useless to make such statements.

"If you are really keen about the Truth, try to meditate with love on the Divine Form  of your choice, or remember the name of God wholeheartedly. Then with divine grace, a fortunate one sees God face to face, everywhere and in everything far more clearly and intimately than you see the things in this room now with your physical eyes.

"Before the real seeing  is revealed, one gets many experiences on the Path. If not rightly valued, these experiences prove very alluring and deceptive too. If one starts feeling proud about one's flight in a dream, how much pride will the experiences on thePath nourish? One has to be very watchful about the tricky nature of the ego which tries to maintain its separateness more and more.

"One thing is certain. The more importance and attention you pay to such experiences, the more bound you get. Don't run after experiences, but remain steadfast in your love for God."

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