
楼主 |
发表于 2015-12-19 20:51:05
005:Banana Wala
—— 2013.4.22,Mon.朗晴,美赫巴巴阿瓦塔之寓
晨。失手,table salt连同小瓶掉进刚盛出的粥里。What's the message Baba giving?My ego is wearing a coat which couldn't be melt?But,also,there's a gap in this coat where water could come in.On the other hand,LOVE is locked inside while could sprinkle out by shaking this coat.
10:00,Meeting Hall,Lorraine,Lee,David&Grenda。
A card from Baba:
The highest devine knowledge is attained through LOVE(Which has in it the spiritual faculties,intuition and inspiration) and is opposed to the intellectual faculty.
It is LOVE that makes one transcend the dominion of intellect and gain the state of of complete self-anihilation. It is this state that ends in union with God.
《Early Messages to The West》 P. 121
A poem from Steve Klein:
The sun rises and the cold morning air is bathed with warmth and light, but my heart remains as cold and dark as ever.
O Lord, I do not beg you for LOVE, or offer to dedicate my life to you in exchange, for I have already given you my life. I do not even ask you for light, for I am well used to scurrying about for one dark hole of myselfishness to another. But Lord, of what use can such a life be to you? How can any bloom worthy of you be grown in such conditions?
O Beloved, when will your sun rise within my heart?
And a beautiful song from Lorraine.
巴巴说:You and I are not ‘we’ but ONE.
独坐,看碟。《God in Human Side》比网络版本多了些细节……看到巴巴把一些香蕉和果子给来的人,泪忽然涌出……仿佛我曾在那里,曾吃过那香蕉或果子,而被种下爱的种籽。。。转向墙边巴巴的照片,扶着相框,看进巴巴的眼睛,呜咽不能止。。。
头痛如晕车,胃与左侧肠痛,腹鸣。 |